RD Group is one of the top leaders in the
business automation industry. We have been providing Lebanese and foreign markets with professional business software and solutions
for more than 25 years.
Our technical team is carefully selected from university graduates who are highly skilled in business and computers. With an
added-value of more than 50 well famed financial auditors who constitute our fine-tuning backbones. You can rest assured that you will
never receive anything less than the BEST from us.
All our products are extremely user-friendly, elegant, professional and the quality of our after sales support is superior. All our
customers can confirm this fact.
Our software packages are always revised and upgraded to keep in pace with new trends. Your investment is very precious to us and we
cherish it by keeping you always up-to-date for free or negligible costs.
From "Auditing Agencies" to "Government Institutions" to "Travel Agencies" to "Commercial Businesses", we take great pride in having provided hundreds of customers with outstanding computerized solutions for their businesses.
Our customers are our friends, and we always cherish to keep our friends happy. With this objective in mind, we do not have unsatisfied customers. This will always be our promise for the present and the future.
We proudly present to you a partial list of our customers. The list contains only the names of customers who gave us their approval for inclusion.
F O C U S is a one-man-show software package
that help you run your business from A to Z in a very easy, fast, and professional manner. Bye-bye to errors, delays, and
disgusting manual work.
Hundreds of travel agencies around the world are in love with F O C U S for several reasons:
It is a one integrated solution which covers all the aspects of your business:
TICKETING and TOURS with an automatic link to a professional and complete ACCOUNTING system.
It has very pleasant forms and graphical user interfaces.
It is very easy to learn and use and comes with a detailed written
help manual.
It has very comprehensive search screens and facilities to help you
search for all your requirements without jumping from one task to another.
Its reports are very elegant, clear, and offer plenty of options, and sort orders.
All invoices and other related tasks generate automatic accounting
All its Sales/Refunds invoices allow multiple suppliers and multiple
currencies per
single invoice and generate the accounting entries automatically.
It creates invoices automatically from GDS sales files and generates automatic
accounting entries for these invoices.
It utilizes two universal programs RECOVER and TRIPLE-D to recover
your damaged files and check your data files for errors, consistencies, and problems.
It is developed and backed-up by RD GROUP, a team of highly professional experts in
the domains of computers, ticketing, business, and accounting. RD GROUP further relies on the technical advice of more than 50
auditors who utilize F O C U S and permanently contribute to its perfection. So, You can expect nothing less than the best
after sales services and support, and the most suitable solutions for your business needs.
Here are some of the major tasks that can be handled by
F O C U S:
• Tickets Sales and Refunds Invoices
• Refund Claims
• Exchange Orders Vouchers
• Stock Of Tickets
• ADMs / ACMs (BSP Debit & Credit Notes)
• Auto-Import Of GDS sales data from: Saber/World Span/Amadeus/Galileo
• General Sales Report & Customized Sales Reports for Specific Carriers
• Internal BSP Sales & Sales Control reports
• Internal BSP Sales Report versus BSP Sales report from Internet
• Tickets Purchases versus Sales report
• Stock Status Summary report
• Internal sales reports (10 reports with 10 different topics)
• Monthly Sales Statistics reports (9 reports with 9 different topics)
• Tours Pro-forma, Sales, and Refund Invoices
• Tours and Charters Reservations Lists
• Service Orders Vouchers for Purchases from Third Parties
• Internal Tours Sales reports (7 reports with 7 different topics)
• Monthly Tours Statistics reports (7 reports with 7 different topics)
• Accounts and Accounting Journal Entries
• Payments and Receipts Auto Fill Wizards
• Assets
• Budgets
• Automatic Difference On Exchange Entries
• Automatic Asset Depreciation Entries
• Automatic Closing and Opening Of Accounting Fiscal Years
• Statements Of Accounts
• Banks Reconciliation reports
• Trial Balance reports (6 different formats)
• Monthly Accounts Balances report
• Receivables / Payables Summary report
• Ageing Balances Summary report
• Invoices Balances reports by (Customer, Supplier, and Salesman)
• Accounts Monthly Budgets and Budget Variance reports
F O C U S is a one-man-show software package
that help you run your business from A to Z in a very easy, fast, and professional manner. Bye-bye to
errors, delays, and
disgusting manual work.
Hundreds of travel agencies around the world are in love with F O C U S for several reasons:
It is a one integrated solution which covers most aspects of your business:
Purchase/Sales Orders, Purchase Invoices and Overheads, Sales Invoices, Point Of Sales, etc…
It has very pleasant forms and graphical user interfaces.
It is very easy to learn and use and comes with a detailed written
help manual.
It has very comprehensive search screens and facilities to help you
search for all
your requirements without jumping from one task to another.
Its reports are very elegant, clear, and offer plenty of options, and sort orders.
All invoices and other related tasks generate automatic accounting
All its Sales/Refunds invoices allow multiple suppliers and multiple
currencies per
single invoice and generate the accounting entries automatically.
It creates invoices automatically from GDS sales files and generates automatic
accounting entries for these invoices.
It utilizes two universal programs RECOVER and TRIPLE-D to recover
your damaged files and check your data files for errors, consistencies, and problems.
It is developed and backed-up by RD GROUP, a team of highly professional experts in
the domains of computers, ticketing, business, and accounting. RD GROUP further relies on the technical advice of more than 50
auditors who utilize F O C U S and permanently contribute to its perfection. So, You can expect nothing less than the best
after sales services and support, and the most suitable solutions for your business needs.
Here are some of the major tasks that can be handled by
F O C U S:
• Stock Items Summaries and Minimum Quantities in each Stock Locality
• Purchase and Sales Orders
• Purchase Invoices with their Overheads
• Auto-calculation of Purchase, Cost, and Average Prices
• Sales Invoices
• Point Of Sale Invoices
• Transfers Of Stock Items from One Stock Locality to Another
• Production Assembly Details
• Production Vouchers and Automatic Creation of Raw Material Consumption Vouchers
• Delivery Orders Vouchers
• Stock Items In/Out Movements and Balances Summary report
• Stock Evaluation report
• Stock Movements Details by (Item, Customer, Supplier, Locality, Salesman)
• Dormant Items report
• Stock Under Minimum Level report
• Purchase / Sales Orders versus Receipts / Deliveries report
• Sales Profits by (Invoice, Item, Customer, Salesman)
• Monthly Purchase Statistics by (Supplier, Item)
• Monthly Sales Statistics by (Item, Customer, Salesman, Geographic Area)
• Accounts and Accounting Journal Entries
• Payments and Receipts Auto Fill Wizards
• Assets
• Budgets
• Automatic Difference On Exchange Entries
• Automatic Asset Depreciation Entries
• Automatic Stock Variation Entries
• Automatic Closing and Opening of Accounting Fiscal Years
• Statements Of Accounts
• Banks Reconciliation reports
• Trial Balance reports (6 different formats)
• Monthly Accounts Balances report
• Receivables / Payables Summary report
• Ageing Balances Summary report
• Invoices Balances reports by (Customer, Supplier, and Salesman)
• Accounts Monthly Budgets and Budget Variance reports
The PAYROLL program is a sub-module of F O C U S our
very famous and popular integrated commercial software package. It is a one-man-show that help you process your payroll
requirements from A to Z in a very easy, fast, and professional manner. Bye-bye to errors, delays, and
disgusting manual work.
The PAYROLL sub-module can be operated stand-alone or linked to the accounting module of any other existing
F O C U S application.
Many features and properties make our PAYROLL program an indispensable tool for customers. Some of the very intelligent
tools in the package are:
PAYROLL is a very period-dependant application where any retro-change in the status of
an employee affects his latest pay and deductions amounts. The Lebanese regulations operate on a retroactive calculations
basis where the Tax, Family Allowances, CNSS, and End Of Service amounts depend on all previous months in addition to the
month being processed. For this reason, no meaningful payroll information can be built up without detailed historic
resources. That is why, in contrast with most other payroll programs that utilize fixed tables and charts for storing and
retrieving their payroll information, we store all our payroll details in the form of journals similar to the accounting
journals. We can print payroll details for an employee in the same way a statement of account is printed for a customer where
all changes can be fully traced back to any preceding period. Most payroll reports build their contents from the payroll
All payroll operations apply retroactive effects on the calculations
according to Lebanese specifications.
From monthly fixed amounts, to pre-set periodic deductions, to
periodic labor sheets, to special bonus months (13, 14, etc…), the PAYROLL package is packed with tens of dedicated programs
that can help you prepare all these tasks just with a couple of button presses.
The PAYROLL package covers all personal customers’ requirements in
addition to all the Lebanese regulations. Nothing is left behind.
Since what satisfies one customer does not necessarily satisfy
another, The PAYROLL package is highly parameterized so that each customer can customize it according to his personal needs.
The package is elegant, easy to use, and contains plenty of valuable
searching techniques.
The help system of the package is very rich and comprehensive and
includes a full written manual with special hints document.
All reports in the package are clear, elegant, and provide different
options and sort orders.
The package can generate automatic accounting entries that can be
exported to the accounting module.
The package can create the lousy and exhausting R6 report automatically either in printout format or in the form of EXCEL work sheet according to the Lebanese requirements.
Finally, the PAYROLL module is developed and backed-up by RD GROUP, a team of highly professional experts in the domains of computers, business, and accounting. RD GROUP further relies on the technical advice of more than 50 auditors who utilize F O C U S and permanently contribute to its perfection. So, You can expect nothing less than the best after sales services and support, and the most suitable solutions for your business needs.